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Studio Table


If one says red...

16th Jan 2021 Colours and their associations are deeply etched into the earliest recollections of my 1960’s and 70’s childhood. The first...

On a move by move basis.

24th October 2020 I am currently working colour, soaking in colour, with a yellow, a blue and a violet, combinations of these, alongside...

Accompanied by the grey

August 26 2020 Accompanied by the Grey I was staring up at the sky a couple of weeks ago on a warm cloudy day. To be specific it was the...

Where do you notice a pin least?

3 August 2020 On a flying visit to my studio in High Wycombe this week I randomly selected one of the several A4 folders I keep in a box...

Far apart - close together

The book on the studio table this week is, 'Silvia Bachli far apart - close together'.* A collection of essays and installation...

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